President's Report 2024
I would like to take the opportunity to thank our CEO, Ian Lowndes and his management team for
their continued superb efforts in ensuring our operations run smoothly and efficiently.
On behalf of the Board of Management, I would like to thank and congratulate our wonderful staff
for their ongoing efforts. Congratulations to Caitlin Doolan on her appointment as Operations
Financially the club showed a profit of $155k. Interest hikes and cost of living expenses affect all of
us and has a direct impact on what people are prepared to spend. The Board of Management
acknowledges and appreciates our patrons for their continued support.
Our Anzac march and service to Panania cenotaph was a huge success and I would like to
congratulate sub-branch president, Leo Weston and his executive for their efforts in providing this
service to the community.
Panania Diggers continues to provide Monday night trivia, bingo and raffles on Thursday night and
Sunday afternoon which are all very popular. Our community raffle each month allows the recipients
to collect the entire proceeds from the raffle. The Diggers is a very much community minded and
driven club. We donated over $40,000 to Bankstown City Aged care during the year as well as
providing in total, tens of thousands of dollars to our many sporting organisations. I take this
opportunity to thank all the community groups who have patronised our club and also to all our
affiliated sporting groups for their continued support.
I also take this opportunity to thank our caterer, Jason and his staff for their excellent service and
continued association with the club.
Finally, I would like to thank our Directors for their support and professionalism. It is an honour to
serve as President and I take great pride in what we have achieved.
I look forward to 2025 and I am confident we will deliver our continued excellent service to our
patrons and guests.

Colin Wallace
President | Panania East Hills RSL Club